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Wyświetlanie postów z maj, 2017

A book I read lately...

Hi all I read a great book last week. I read a book entitled "Harry Potter". This book is a for children and adults.  It's a book about a young boy who is a wizard. The book takes place at a  school for wizard s called Hogwarts. This book is the story of three friends, who use magic to save the world from evil.I would like to recommend also "Lalka" .   I t's very fascinating. Pl e ase write your recommendations. More upadates soon. XYZ Hi I read a good book in last week. It is Harry Potter and philosopher stone, it was written by J.K.Rowling. It is about a magic boy who go es to school of magic. He discovers an intrigue in school where the teacher is looking for a stone.I like most when he discover s a stone. A good idea is to read other parts of the series bec a use it is very interesting. Could you recomend something to me? I am curious of your advice . XYZ Hi Last week I read a fantastic book titled,,